Monday, December 2, 2013

Phonegap 3.2 + Windows Phone 8

Locally building Win Phone 8 apps in PhoneGap 3.2.0 with a non-English Windows version will currently always fail and deliver the following error:

>phonegap install wp8
[phonegap] detecting Windows Phone 8 SDK environment...

>phonegap local build wp8
[phonegap] adding the Windows Phone 8 platform...
<snip />
[error] Error while checking requirements: The command `msbuild` failed. Make
 sure you have the latest Windows Phone SDKs installed, AND have the latest .NET
 framework added to your path (i.e C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319

This is due to an insufficient regex in line 82 of

var msversion = output.match(/Microsoft\s\(R\)\s+Build\sEngine\s[a-z]+\s4\.0\.30319/i);

The regex will match the string "Microsoft (R) Build Engine, Version 4.0.30319" - which is the output of msbuild from the command prompt on Windows Systems (with .NET 4 framework installed) with English locale only.
With German language setting, msbuild says:
Microsoft (R)-Buildmodul, Version 4.0.30319.33440

And that string the above regex will never match and always report that msbuild is missing - no matter whether .NET is installed or not.

Quick Fix: replace the above line with 
var msversion = output.match(/.NET\sFramework\,\s\w*\s4.0/);
This will at least match an installed .NET Framework in Version 4.

Proper Fix: I've reported both to the PhoneGap forum and (where they didn't want to see it). 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Registration of phone number not possible for iMessage & Facetime

UPDATE: as of now (Jun 21, 9:00 am CET), phone# activation works again for both iMessage & Facetime. Didn't even have to re-enable any settings.

Just to jot this down, for Apple support or anybody else twisting their heads on the problem:

Currently (at least since 2 days ago, June 18, 2013) there seems to be a global issue with registering an iPhone's phone number for use in iMessage and Facetime: both screens remain in status "waiting for activation..." (German: "Auf Aktivierung warten...").
But: iMessage & Facetime both work fine with the Apple-ID.

Many similar complaints currently in the Apple Support Communities confirm the issue.
(Hint: this is on the latest and greatest iPhone 5 16 GB & iOS 6.1.4)

So...what gives?!?

Here's my chronology (all Pics in German, sorry):

Switching on iMessage & Facetime including Apple-ID usage shows the information expected:

But both status screens remain in "waiting for activation..." (German: "Auf Aktivierung warten...").
Also strange: since I switched SIM cards some days ago, my old phone number is still shown in the status screens, even though the phone itself works fine with the new number (both calls and SMS/text messages)!

Story gets even more funny: after yet another registration attempt on my side, I keep receiving text messages from the UK Apple Activation numer +44 7786 205 094. Not only 1, but at the time of this writing already 16 :)
Hint: the iPhone sends a silent SMS/text message to the above number on every activation try of iMessage and Facetime. This is not unusal. But receiving back not only one but many text messages is.
And by looking at the content of the message (hey, I'm a tech guy after all), it seems clear that it is a reply to an activation request:

And just for the record:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

ZF2 with macports' ZendFramework2 port

Quick Handreichung how to set up the skeleton application Zend Framework 2 (ZF2) on OS X, using macports' distribution of ZF2. Otherwise you'd have to download/install ZF2 every time for every project - redundancy and version confusion ahoi.
The ZF2 skeleton application is a good starting point for your own ZF2 development.

Quick facts:

  • OS X 10.8
  • ZF2 2.0.6
  • PHP 5.3 (from macports - hint: will be installed anyway with macports' version of ZF2)
  • Apache 2.2.23 (from macports)

$> cd /opt/local/ww
$> sudo git clone git:// zf2.git

$> tree zf2.git
├── LICENSE.txt
├── composer.json
├── composer.phar
├── config
│   ├── application.config.php
│   └── autoload
│       ├──
│       ├── global.php
│       └── local.php.dist
├── data
│   └── cache
├── init_autoloader.php
├── module
│   └── Application
│       ├── Module.php
│       ├── config
│       │   └── module.config.php
│       ├── language
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── ar_SY.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── cs_CZ.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── de_DE.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── en_US.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── es_ES.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── fr_CA.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── fr_FR.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── it_IT.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── ja_JP.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── nb_NO.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── nl_NL.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── pl_PL.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── pt_BR.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── ru_RU.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── tr_TR.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├── zh_CN.po
│       │   ├──
│       │   └── zh_TW.po
│       ├── src
│       │   └── Application
│       │       └── Controller
│       │           └── IndexController.php
│       └── view
│           ├── application
│           │   └── index
│           │       └── index.phtml
│           ├── error
│           │   ├── 404.phtml
│           │   └── index.phtml
│           └── layout
│               └── layout.phtml
├── public
│   ├── css
│   │   ├── bootstrap-responsive.min.css
│   │   ├── bootstrap.min.css
│   │   └── style.css
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── favicon.ico
│   │   └── zf2-logo.png
│   ├── index.php
│   └── js
│       ├── bootstrap.min.js
│       ├── html5.js
│       └── jquery.min.js
└── vendor
    └── ZF2

Note the vendor/ZF2 directory above - comes in empty.

$> sudo port install ZendFramework2
--->  Computing dependencies for ZendFramework2
   <snip />
--->  Cleaning ZendFramework2
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
--->  No broken files found.

Now comes the the important part: linking macports' ZF2/library to the actual ZF2-directory of the git repository.

$> cd /opt/local/www/zf2.git/vendor/ZF2
$> sudo ln -s /opt/local/www/ZendFramework/library
$> ls -al

total 8
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  admin  102 23 Jan 16:04 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 root  admin  170 23 Jan 16:02 ..
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin   36 23 Jan 16:04 library -> /opt/local/www/ZendFramework/library

Configure /opt/local/www/zf2.git/public to be the DocumentRoot of your local webserver and you should see ZF2's starting screen.


OS X 10.8: remove HTML formatting in for ICQ/AIM

Handlungsanweisung on how to remove the awkward HTML formatting that on OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) produces for ICQ or AIM accounts:

  1. quit
  2. open
  3. if ~/Library/Preferences/ exists,
    rm ~/Library/Preferences/
  4. in, 
    open ~/Library/Preferences/
  5. (XCode will start)
  6. Locate ICQ Account under root -> Accounts and set 
    ForceICQPlainText to YES
  7. File -> Save
  8. Reboot!
    Yes, seriously, boot your box. I know, feels strange on OS X.
    But if you start before rebooting, the setting above will not be saved. And you have to start over (-> goto 1.) again.
Now, happy plaintext ICQing.