Wednesday, September 19, 2012

LyX missing shortcuts

#insert Lyx note is also quite helpful

\bind "C-A-n" "note-insert"

Here are my top 3 keyboard shortcuts that are missing in LyX's standard settings:

#insert reference (de: "Einfügen -> Querverweis")
\bind "C-A-r" "dialog-show-new-inset ref"

#insert label (de: "Einfügen -> Marker")
\bind "C-A-m" "label-insert"

#citation (de: "Einfügen -> Literaturverweis")
\bind "C-A-z" "citation-insert"

Being on a Mac, place them as user.bind in  ~/Library/Application Support/LyX-2.0/bind/
Restart LyX and off you go, saving yourself them awkward mouse-clicks.